What Are Bump-Up CDs and Step-Up CDs?
Oct 05, 2023 By Triston Martin

Are you looking for an investment strategy that allows you to benefit from potential increases in market interest rates? If so, a bump-up or step-up certificate of deposit (CD) may be your ideal financial vehicle.

Bump-Up and Step-Up CDs are powerful savings tools designed to help investors capitalize on rising interest rates while protecting them from risks associated with volatile markets.

Keep reading to learn more about these specialized investments and why they could be a great choice for those seeking higher returns without taking on excessive risk exposure.

Overview of Bump-Up and Step-Up CDs

Bump-Up and Step-Up Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are two financial instruments that offer the potential for higher returns than traditional CDs while offering protection from market fluctuations. They generally require larger minimum deposits than regular CDs and have additional features that make them attractive to more risk-tolerant investors.

Bump-Up CDs allow the investor to increase their return on principal by "bumping up" their interest rate one time during the life of the CD. The investor is typically given a specific window of time in which they can choose to exercise this option, and any agreed-upon terms must be followed when doing so.

Step-Up CDs allow investors to receive higher interest payments over time without taking any additional action. The predetermined rate schedule will specify when and how often the rate goes up, providing a better return for those willing to leave their money in the CD until maturity.

Bump-Up and Step-Up CDs provide greater potential returns than traditional CDs while offering the same security and protection from market volatility. They can be attractive for more risk-tolerant investors looking to maximize their returns.

The Difference Between Bump-Up and Step-Up CDs

Bump-Up CDs and Step-Up CDs are two types of certificates of deposit (CDs) that offer different ways to increase your return on investment. A Bump-Up CD allows you to raise your interest rate at predetermined times during the term of the CD. With a Step-Up CD, you can increase the interest rate once during the term.

When you purchase a Bump-Up CD, you agree to a fixed rate of return that increases at set intervals. For example, if you open a 5-year Bump-Up CD paying a 4% annual percentage yield (APY), you can bump up your APY to 5% in two years and 6% in three years.

The bump-up feature can be used only once during the term of the CD; if you bump up to 5%, you will not be able to bump up again to 6%. With a Step-Up CD, you can increase your rate of return just once during the term.

For example, if you open a 5-year Step-Up CD paying a 4% APY, you can increase the interest rate to 6% after two years. Unlike with Bump-Up CDs, you cannot lower your rate of return on a Step-Up CD; if you decide to bump up to 6%, this will be your final rate for the remainder of the term.

Both types of CDs can effectively increase your return on investment while ensuring that your money is safe and secure. However, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each before investing. Bump-Up CDs may provide more flexibility, but Step-Up CDs guarantee a higher rate of return after a predetermined period.

How Much Interest Can You Earn From These CDs

Bump-up CDs and Step-Up CDs offer the potential to earn higher interest over time. With a bump-up CD, you can increase the interest rate once on an existing certificate of deposit.

A step-up CD allows you to increase the rate multiple times over the term of the CD. Both certificates require you to pay a penalty if you withdraw money before maturity.

The amount of interest earned on a Bump-Up or Step-Up CD will depend upon the terms of the certificate, such as the initial interest rate and how often it can be adjusted.

Generally speaking, banks may offer higher rates for bump-up or step-up CDs compared to traditional certificates of deposit. Therefore, these higher rates can help you earn more money over the term of the CD.

If you are looking for an investment option that offers the potential to earn more interest than a regular CD but still provides some security and predictability, then bump-up or step-up CDs may be a good solution.

Be sure to compare different bank rates and read through each CD's terms and conditions before you decide. With careful research, you can determine which type of certificate best meets your needs.

Should You Invest in a Bump-Up or Step-Up CD

Bump-up and Step-Up CDs are great investments if you want to earn higher yields on your savings. With a Bump-Up CD, the investor can increase the interest rate during the CD term if rates go up.

Conversely, with a Step-Up CD, investors will receive an automatic rate bump at predetermined intervals throughout the term of the CD, usually coinciding with renewal periods. Bump-Up and Step-Up CDs are great tools for investors to maximize their investment returns.

Investors should be aware of key differences between the two types of CDs when considering which one is right for them. Bump-Up CDs tend to have slightly higher initial rates than Step-Up CDs, but with a Bump-Up CD, the investor must actively choose to increase the rate when rates go up.

This means they may not always be able to take advantage of rising interest rates and could miss out on potential gains if they don’t act quickly. Don't the other hand; Step-Up CDs will automatically increase the rate at pre-set intervals throughout the term of the CD, making them a more passive investment option.

When deciding which type of CD is right for you, consider your goals and risk tolerance. Both Bump-Up and Step-Up CDs can be great tools for maximizing returns, but the most important factor is choosing an investment vehicle to help you reach your financial goals. Investing in CDs can be a smart way to grow your savings while protecting your principal from market volatility.

Be sure to compare the terms and conditions of different CD offerings when selecting the one that’s right for you. That's right, CD; you can take advantage of rising interest rates and maximize your return on investment.


Are bump-up CDs good?

Bump-up CDs can be a great investment for those looking to maximize their returns from a CD. Increasing the interest rate during the term can help you capitalize on changing market conditions. Bump-up CDs offer more flexibility than traditional certificates of deposit (CDs), so if your financial situation changes, you may have the option to access your money more easily.

Do CDs have bumps?

Yes, many CDs have bump-up features. These are also known as step-up or stepped-rate CDs. They allow you to increase the interest rate during the CD term if certain conditions are met. For example, if the market rates go up or if you deposit additional funds into the account during the term.

When should you bump a CD?

The decision to bump up a CD should be based on your financial goals and the current interest rate environment. Consider bumping up a CD if interest rates are rising or you want to maximize returns on a large deposit. Bumping up also allows you to take advantage of changing market conditions and earn more from your investment.


Despite their rigid terms, Bump-Up and Step-Up CDs are valuable investments for long-term savers. Both offer the potential for higher returns if rates increase during the term of the CD, but with different approaches. The rate on a Step-Up CD will increase after specified intervals, and on a Bump-Up CD, you can choose to take advantage of higher rates anytime through the term.
